I was diagnosed at 38 with Stage IIIb Rectal Cancer, a sure shock to a healthy and active husband and father. I was also diagnosed early in life with an undying devotion to the game of soccer. How appropriate that a friend from high school introduced me to Dave and Robin Dubin. At a very confusing and uncertain time, I found answers and hope through AliveAndKickn, that things were going to get better and there were people out there who shared my situation, trying to make a difference. Although I tested negative for having Lynch, I truly believe in the work and effort that AliveAndKickn is putting forth, to make some sense of the disease that affects so many people. They are making things better and have committed their lives to a cause which has the capability of improving the lives of millions. What amazes me the most is how easy prevention can be and how little people are aware of it. I was a bit too late for prevention, but we found it in time to aggressively treat and remove all of the cancer that my body was carrying. I was lucky, I had family and friends that took care of me, I had wonderful medical support that knew a lot about how to treat my disease after they had found it. What we really need is more people like Dave and Robin who are trying to get in front of the disease, to change the course of how people become aware of prevention and how they can take an active role in eliminating the need for harsh and undesirable treatments. I am lucky to have met them and I am grateful to be AliveAndKickn. YNWA, Dylan Maycrink