Oct 2012 I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel Cancer and stage 1 Ovarian Cancer when I was 41 years old. Nov 2012 had Both Cancers removed. Dec 2012 Started 6 months chemotherapy July 2013 had a hysterectomy, followed by early menopause. Genetic testing came back that I have Lynch Syndrome with an msh2 mutation, that means I am at risk of developing further Cancers through out my life time. ( we'll see about that) It took 3 years for my diagnosis as for lack of education about Lynch Syndrome. I kept being misdiagnosed. Until I pleaded with the doctor. 2014-2015 two Cancer scares that turned out to be false alarms. Present day clear 2016 at 46 years old. I have adapted my life to work alongside side life with a cancer diagnosis. I am a mother of 3 children ages 18, 19 and 23. Today I am standing strong, bottom out proud and standing up to Cancer. To all those who are going through Cancer in this moment, to those who has survived Cancer and too those we have lost to Cancer we unite and stand up to Cancer. Love to you all , including friends and family as it deeply effects us all.