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Get Your Rear in Gear NYC vs. Houston Challenge!
It’s a challenge! Houston versus New York Yankees versus Astros.  How about GYRIG Houston versus GYRIG New York? Team AliveAndKickn is...

Reporting from ASCO
We had just a few minutes to review the Hereditary Cancer posters at ASCO before rushing to the airport, so here are a few highlights of...

A Tribute to Dr. Henry T. Lynch
Henry T. Lynch (January 4, 1928 – June 2, 2019) He was sometimes described as "the father of hereditary cancer detection and...

Clinical Trial opportunity for individuals with Lynch syndrome
Our colleagues at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center have send us this information about a new clinical trial...

Blue Genes Bash NYC 2019 Save the Date!
Please Save the Date, Thursday, May 9, 2019 6:30pm for the 2019 Blue Genes Bash. A new venue, the New York Academy of Medicine will host...

Creating awareness at the Forbes Healthcare Summit
On November 29th, Dave Dubin, co-founder of AliveAndKickn and three time Lynch cancer survivor and had the good fortune to speak to some...

Educational Podcasts from CGA-IGC
From our colleagues at the Collaborative Group of the Americas - Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancer comes this highly educational series...

New AliveAndKickn jewelry, custom designed and handmade by Kim Satin Jewelry
We are very excited to announce a line of custom designed, handmade AliveAndKickn jewelry designs by Kim Satin Jewelry. Check out the...

LS Community Research Fund
Help support research coming out of this novel community. Donate today!

VP Biden is talking about AliveAndKickn
How did we get there? by Robin Dubin, Executive Director The Biden Cancer Initiative encouraged organizations to submit new projects to...

Colon Cancer Coalition and AliveAndKickn announce collaborative relationship
As a part of the combined efforts, each organization will work to help expand the reach of the other. AliveAndKickn is invited to have a...

AliveAndKickn announces several new Board Appointments
AliveAndKickn is pleased to announce two new additions to the AliveAndKickn Board, allowing us to continue the message of resilience and...

Peer to Peer support through our partnership with Imerman Angels
AliveAndKickn has partnered with Imerman Angels to provide peer to peer support specifically for the Lynch syndrome community. Whether...
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